A New Method of Image Rectification Using Jacobian Determinant 使用雅可比行列式的立体像对校正方法
By using Jacobian determinant, the relations of state functions of thermodynamics and the problem solving skills are discussed. 本文着重讨论运用雅可比行列式推导热力学关系式的技巧问题。
The Maxwell relations between the thermodynamic functions were derived with the matrix analysis according to the characteristics of Jacobian determinant in present paper. 本文根据雅可比行列式的性质,利用矩阵分析的方法,得到热力学中物理量之间的麦克斯韦关系,同时给出一种容易记忆的方法。
The Value of An N-Order Jacobian Determinant 一个n阶雅可比行列式的值
Lastly, the rectification transform matrix was solved to minimize resampling effect which was weighed by Jacobian determinant. 最后采用Jacobian行列式度量校正前后的局部区域变化,求得最小化重采样效果的矩阵系数。
Jacobian Determinant and Its Application to Thermodynamics 雅可比行列式及其在热力学中的应用
Using inverse displacement and Jacobian matrix to calculate the determinant of the Jacobian matrix concerning each pose, the solution of singular configuration is obtained. 借助位置逆解和雅克比矩阵,计算工作空间中各个位形雅克比矩阵的行列式,得到奇异位形的求解方法。